Quinceanera Limo
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Celebrating Your Daughter Becoming A Woman

Your most precious possession; your Reinita. She’s not so little anymore. She’s on the verge of womanhood and her San Diego Quinceanera.
Yes, It’s time to plan her Quinceanera. You thought about this day when she was a newborn baby, and many times thereafter. Well, here we are.

We at A Plus Limo know you need limousine transportation you can trust with such precious cargo. Yes, we understand because we have daughters of our own. Yes, we are fathers of daughters and we understand your need for luxury transportation services, the need for safety and the peace of mind that comes with trusting the right limo service.

As a parent of a young woman rapidly approaching her Quinceanera, costs are always a concern. Again, we understand. Our best advice is that everything is more expensive on Saturday. If you can, try to have your daughter’s Quinceanera on another day. San Diego limos are about 20% less expensive on a Sunday. And that it true for hall rentals, flowers, photographers, DJs and caterers, too. The reason limo service is more expensive on Saturday is everyone wants to have an event on a Saturday day or Saturday evening. Fewer people want to have an event on a weekday or Sunday. Supply and demand affect the price of all services including limo services.

Choosing the day of your Reinita’s Quince might be out of your control just like the dress, the colors, the DJ. But your daughter’s safety is always under your control. Choose A Plus San Diego Limo and you’ve chosen the most reliable limo service in San Diego.

Be sure to review our limo rental tips to see what can go wrong if you trust an inexperienced or unethical limo service.
Here is a quick primer for those unfamiliar with the Mexican tradition of a girls 15th birthay known as a Quinceanera.
Mexican Tradition of the Quinceanera
In the Mexican tradition, a young girl’s fifteenth birthday is the most significant birthday she will ever experience. For her fifteenth birthday, or Quinceanera marks the day she transitions from childhood to womanhood, and she is now available for marriage.
Quinceaneras are usually formal affairs where the young woman wears floor length, lacey gown resembling a wedding dress. Non-Mexicans are sometimes shocked when they see such a young girl looking as though she is on her way to her own wedding. In previous decades it was common to see young Quinceaneras also wearing a veil.

Quinceaneras are usually big parties with all members of the extended family in attendance, as well as family friends and friends of the young woman.
Among the guests are 29 special guests. Fourteen young women approximately the age of the Quinceanera act as attendants. Fourteen young men approximately the age of the Quinceanera act as escorts of the attendants. One young man acts as the escort to the Quinceanera. The 14 young people represent the 14 years of childhood. In earlier times, the parents of the Quinceanera would go from local village to local village seeking out 15 potential suitors for their daughter. Now, the Quinceanera is more of a big birthday party, but in old Mexico this was about finding a good husband for your daughter.

The Quinceanera begins when the parents arrive with their daughter to the church for a special mass and communion. The father or nearest male relative escorts the Quinceanera down the isle as the family and friends look on at her in the beautiful dress. The are met halfway to the alter by the priest at which point the father gives his daughter’s hand to the priest to signify she is no longer a child under the protection of her parents but a woman under the protection of God and the church.

After the mass the young woman, family and guests proceed to a local hall for the party and dance. The young woman first dances with her father. After the dance with her father, the mother removes the veil from the young woman’s face to signify she is now permitted to dance with young men. A waltz prepared and presented by the fifteen young couples ensues. After the waltz, the dance floor opens up to the guests.

Quinceanera Glossary
•Padrino / Pardrinas: A close family member or adult friend that agrees to help differ the expenses of the quinceanera. Example Padrino de flores pays for the flowers. Padrinos de pastel pay for the cake. Padrino de iglacias pays for the church, bible, rosary beads. Padrino de limosina pays for the limousine.
•Damas: 14 young woman act as attendants to the Quincenera and represent 14 years of childhood.
•Chambelanos: 15 young men acting as escorts to the young women.