Prom Limo Services in San Diego
Call Now 619-888-9946
Text Now 619-888-9946
Safe, Chauffeured Limo for Prom
Plan Your Limo Ahead of Time
The most important night of your life to this point is your prom night. But a fantastic prom night doesn’t just happen. It requires planning and preparation. Don’t procrastinate because if you do, all the best tuxedos, suits, dresses, corsages, boutonnieres, hotels and limos will be taken.

Prom Limo Cost & Tip
Limousine rentals are expensive especially on a Saturday night. Our Hummers and our Escalades accommodate 18 passengers. So when you divide the cost of limousine transportation by 18, the expense becomes more manageable. And please don’t forget the tip. Customary tip for limo transportation services is 20%, so calculate this into your cost projections.

Minimum Service
All San Diego limo companies are overwhelmed with phone calls this time of year. Many times, potential customers want only a pick up and drop off, then another pick up and drop off later in the evening. These customers expect to be charged for only the time spent in the limo and not charged for wait time. In the limo business this is called a transfer. At A Plus Limos, we do not offer transfer services. All San Diego limo rental companies will require a 6 hour minimum. Remember, divide the cost 18 ways.
See Our Limo Rental Tips. Click Here.
Prom. Everybody Gets Just One.
This is your prom and you have one chance to get it right. Leave the worry of driving to us. Take a midnight drive to the ocean, Sunset Cliffs, La Jolla, Del Mar, Mt. Solidad, Imperial Beach, Balboa Park, Spanish Landing, Coronado, the list goes on… Enjoy your night and make memories that last a lifetime.
Message for Parents

We had ours; Now it’s time for them to have theirs. We’ve done our best to raise them and help them develop good judgement. But we know how we were, when we were their age; wanting to spread our wings and easily influenced by our friends.
As parents, we know we have to let go at some point. Still, we worry… and with good reason. Because they’re young, full of energy, possessing little caution and short foresight.
A Plus Limos can help. By hiring a limo rental service you can give them the freedom and mobility they crave and the peace of mind you can’t sleep without.
Be sure to read our limo rental tips page before hiring any limo service. Oh, and by the way, congratulations on your achievement of raising a child into an adult.